Believe Jesus Was Smartest Person to Ever Live?

Brad Taylor
2 min readJul 14, 2023

Paul, when talking about Jesus said …

“in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.” (Colossians 2:3)

I find it interesting that Paul said “ALL”. Paul appears to imply there is no wisdom or knowledge excluded from Jesus about any topic? If this is so, then Jesus is the smartest and wisest person to have every lived.

Try telling people that Jesus is the smartest, most knowledgable person to have every lived in your profession.

The smartest, most knowledgeable scientist, economist, historian, mechanic, real estate agent, IT person, plumber, electrician, carpenter, philosopher, psychologist/psychiatrist, counselor, marriage expert, HR manager, CEO, COO, CFO, money manager, farmer, parent, child, teenager, teacher/professor etc. to have ever lived.

See what kind of response you get. Even within the church. My guess is, once the person realizes you are serious, they will consider you to be uneducated, naive, simple, one of those religious fanatics, crazy, or a combination of these.

As Christians we point out when the world doesn’t believe Jesus is right about a topic.

My question is, “Do we as Christians believe Jesus is the smartest person to have ever lived and is right about everything?”

Do we, as Followers of Jesus, make decisions and arrange our lives in a way that reflects we believe Jesus is the smartest person to have every lived about every conceivable topic?

At work or at home, do you believe Jesus is the best consultant available for you? Do you check with Him before making every decision? Do you trust His advice such they you always do what He says?

These are some hard questions.

