How Would More Time Change Your Life?

Brad Taylor
4 min readJul 18, 2023

Recently I was wondering how many times I look at my phone each day.

One day I started trying to count. But I was looking at it so often it became obvious this was a useless endeavor.

Then I was listening to a talk and learned the average person in the USA touches their phone over 2,500 times a day. Assuming 16 waking hours that’s over 156 times an hour.

Interesting number but not sure what to do with that. Except that we are on our phones a lot during the day.

I then searched how many times a person looks at their phone each day. We look at our phones 344 times a day on average. And, yes, I used my phone to look it up.

Interesting number. More useful than 2,500 touches a day. But not as useful as the next number I learned about.

In the USA, on average, we spend 142 minutes a day on social media.

Now we’re getting to a number that is more useful.

That’s 2 hours and 22 minutes a day just on social media.

This is not a rant on the evils of wasting time on social media.

But it should give you pause to ask yourself, are 142 minutes a day on social media the best use of the time God has given you?

What if you cut that time in half and used it elsewhere. That’s 71 minutes a day that could be invested elsewhere.

That would be over 8 hours a week we could invest in other areas.

Maybe 8 hours invested in …

1. What you say is the number one priority in your life.

2. Improving your Disciple Making skills.

3. Outside in nature.

4. Going for a walk.

5. Just down time to think and contemplate.

6. Spend with God reading the Bible, praying, sitting silently with Him.

7. Talk with family, neighbors, friends.

8. Spend time with UnBelievers. Perhaps engaging in spiritual conversations with them.

9. Making Disciples.

10. Reading a book.

11. Serving those in need.

12. Being bored. Remember the days when we used to have times of being bored. Now we fill our boredom time with scrolling on our phones.

If you take the 8 hours in a week and invest them in one of these ways (or another way that works for you). What would this do for …

1. Your physical health?

2. Your mental health?

3. Your tired brain and body?

4. Your emotional state?

5. Your Disciple Making

6. The advancement of the Kingdom of God into the kingdom of darkness?

7. Your impact on the lives of others?

8. You learning something new?

9. You working toward leaving a Lasting Impact long after you are gone on generations yet to be born?

I did a two day test with my cellphone. Instead of putting the phone on the table while I’m working. I put the phone in the other room.

What I found out is that if it’s within reach I look at my phone A LOT. If it’s in the other room I won’t expend the energy to go in the other room to look at my phone.

So … Did I really need to look at my phone as much as I was doing it? Probably not.

What if you just tried this for one week. Limit yourself to half the amount of time you normally spend on social media. Then invest that time in a productive endeavor. Even if that productive endeavor is simply relaxing and reenergizing. Why not? It’s only for a week.

(If you are not sure how much time you spend on social media, then use the average of 142 minutes a day)

Two hours and twenty-two minutes each day is a big chunk of time. It’s almost 10% of a day and 15% of your waking hours.

If social media is not your thing. Look at another area of your life where you know you’re wasting large chunks of time and use that instead. Maybe your TV watching time.

Hey, I’ve got a special going in my coaching program for July of 2023 …

It’s 6 Weeks of FREE Coaching: 6 Men (young, seasoned, or in-between) for 6 Weeks for 6 Hours of 1-On-1 coaching. After the 6 weeks, if they don’t think they got the value of their time investment I will give them $50 — No hassles, No hard feelings. Promise. It’s solely based on their evaluation.

So … If you know any men looking for help in getting from where they are to where they want to be in life …

Feel free to pass along my contact info:, 812–499–9144, direct message on FB or LinkedIn.

Would love to chat with them and see if we’re a fit.

Some people seem to think I’m a pretty nice guy — I won’t bite — that’s another promise.


