Your Role at Work (God’s Worldwide Plan)

Brad Taylor
6 min readNov 24, 2020


You! Yes You. We’re talking about YOU!

Not somebody else’s role at their place of work.

We’re talking about your role. What does God expect of you.

Don’t point at your spouse, friend, fellow followers of Jesus.

The finger is pointing squarely at you!

From Genesis to Revelation we have seen that God is a Missionary God whose heart is to reach all groups of people in the world with His Glory and His Salvation. To make His Name Great in all the world so that He will be worshipped from the rising to the setting of the sun.

If this is God’s heart and God says if we love Him we will obey Him — do what He commands (John 14:15, 14:21–24, 15:10; 1 John 3:24, 5:3; 1 Peter 1:1–2).

Then it seems we have no choice but to obey Him (Matthew 28:18–20 which is a summary of God’s Heart from Genesis to Revelation). AND be active participants in God’s worldwide operation of reaching All groups of people of the world with His message of salvation — The Gospel.

And this includes at your place of work.

What Is YOUR Purpose?

Summing this up: What is your purpose in life?

“To Glorify God by Making Disciples Among All Groups of People in the World.”

That’s It! Let’s not overcomplicate it.

You were not created and saved to have a nice job, a nice house, drive a nice car, get a college degree, have a nice comfortable life.

You were created and saved for God and His Name/Image/Glory/Reputation. (Ephesian 1:4–6; Psalm 25:11; 1 John 2:12; Isaiah 43:25; Isaiah 26:8; Romans 1:4–5).

We as a group of saved people form the church whose purpose is that:

“…through the church, the manifold wisdom of God should be made known to the rulers and authorities in the heavenly realms …”

How Do YOU Do This?

By showing our love for God through our obedience to what He says/commands and living our lives “To Glorify God by Making Disciples of Among All Groups of People in the World”.

This is why throughout church history people have been obedient to Christ’s command to “GO” serving as His Ambassadors and be His witnesses to All the World.

Shouldn’t we be doing the same …

4 Ways to Join God in His Worldwide Operation:

1st: GO — You Can “GO”

Move and Live among a Group of people who have little to no probability of hearing the Gospel before they die. (Those who are referred to as UnReached People Groups.)

Go on shorter trips to work among the UnReached

Intentionally design local ministry work in your church so that those involved are developing the skills and vision needed to GO the UnReached. Using local ministry as a training ground to prepare for long-term Going.

2nd: PRAY — You Can “Pray”

Select one UnReached People Group from website and commit to regularly pray for them.

Choose one missionary working among an UnReached People Group and commit to pray regularly for them.

Pray regularly for God to give you His heart for people who have little to no probability to hear the Gospel before they die.

3rd: SUPPORT — You Can “Support”

Monthly financially support one missionary working among an UnReached People Group

Monthly financially support one missionary organization working among an UnReached People Group

4th: MOBILIZE — You Can “Bring Others Along With You”

Share what you’re learning with other people and groups.

Talk with your church leadership about sharing what you’re learning and how your church can get more active in these four areas. But, don’t simple tell them what “they” should be doing. Offer to be the point person and take the lead on this.

Teach your children this material in a manner that connects with them.

Teach the children at your church this material — also in a manner that connects with them.

Which of These Four Areas Should You Be Involved?

In which of these four areas should you be involved?

Well … Where is it written you should only do one of these four? I will answer that question. The answer is … “Nowhere is it written you should only be involved in one area.

You should be doing ALL of these unless there is a REAL reason you cannot. A REAL reason is not that it makes you uncomfortable, conflicts with the life you want to live, or other self-focused/self-centered reasons.

If there is a REAL reason you cannot do one of the four, then pour your energy and resources into doing the remaining three.

You should be living your life in a way that you are doing all four unless God radically steps in and says “No” to one or more areas for you.

Oh, by the way, if a person “GOES” to an UnReached People Group that does not exempt them from Praying, Supporting, and Mobilizing where they live. If you GO you can still do the other three. Just like if you PRAY you can still do the other three. And if you SUPPORT you can still do the other three. And if you MOBILIZE you can still do the other three.

What Does This Have to Do With Your Work?

This has everything to do with your work.


This is the reason you are working where you are working.

You are where you are to be part of God’s Worldwide Plan!

So, when you head off to work think to yourself, “I am headed to do my role in God’s Worldwide Plan — Today!”

Then throughout the day pray for people, pray for opportunities to engage in spiritual conversations, pray for opportunities to serve people, and then listen to what God is wanting you to do.

When you hear what He says — do it immediately. Don’t wait. Don’t debate with Him. Don’t try to analyze and rationalize it. If you do these things you will NOT do it. Why? Because usually what He is asking you to do is going to be hard, uncomfortable, and fearful. However, as you continue to immediately obey Him you will know God deeper and more intimately.

So Go For It! You will not regret it — Promise.


God is a Missionary God and He has commanded us to join Him in His worldwide operation to make His Name Great and His Salvation known among every group of people in the world.

How do we join God and His worldwide operation? By showing our love for God through our obedience to what He says/commands and living our lives “To Glorify God by Making Disciples Among All Groups of People in the World”.

Four Ways for YOU to Join God’s Worldwide Operation:

1st: By GOING to live and work among UnReached People Groups

2nd: By PRAYING for and UnReached People Group and those working among them

3rd: By SUPPORTING financially people and organizations working among Unreached People Groups

4th: By MOBILIZING others to join God’s Worldwide Operation

You should be doing ALL four of these unless God radically steps into your life and says “No” to one or more of the five areas.

Start where you are working.

Next Steps to Developing God’s Heart:


Two Questions for you To Think About Before Next Time

1st Based on What God Has Shown Me…What Am I Going to Do About It? — (The 4 Areas to Join God)

2nd Who Am I Going to Share with What God Showed Me Today? -(The 4 Areas to Join God)

Spend some time with God and listen to what He shows you in response to those questions. Then DO what He says.

Wrap Up:


We are NOT About “Living for The Now”. We are About living NOW … FOR Eternity

Let us be about doing our Job!!!

Going out and serving as a Disciple Making Ambassador of the King (DMAK).

Until All Hear,

Brad Taylor



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